Research & Publication
Advancing medical science through groundbreaking research and publishing insights that inspire innovation, improve patient care, and contribute to global healthcare knowledge.
DC-CRP: Deep Cerebral Venous Thrombosis, Clinicoradiological Profile, and Treatment Outcome in Indian Population-A Tertiary Care Experience
Clinical and genetic profile of patients with dystonia: An experience from a tertiary neurology center from India
Spectrum of Auto-antibodies in NMO and MOG Associated CNS Demyelination-The SANMAD Study
Teaching NeuroImage: Brain Biopsy Confirmed Familial Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis Masquerading as Demyelination
The Clinical, Radiological and Genetic Spectrum of PLA2G6-Associated Neurodegeneration: An Experience From a Tertiary Center
Expanding the phenotypic and genotypic spectrum of DYT-TUBB4A with seven patients from India
Islands and Neurology: An Exploration into a Unique Association
Exploring the clinico-ophthalmologic profile of patients with presumed genetically-determined dystonia
Co-VAN study: COVID-19 vaccine associated neurological diseases-an experience from an apex neurosciences centre and review of the literature
Long latency reflexes in clinical neurology: a systematic review
KMT2B-related dystonia in Indian patients with literature review and emphasis on Asian cohort
The Connecting Link: A Case Report of the First Association of COVID-19 and Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy
Longitudinally Extensive Transverse Myelitis with Optic Neuritis Related to Profound Biotinidase Deficiency: NMOSD Mimic!
Pediatric neurobrucellosis: a systematic review with case report
Dystonic Opisthotonus in Kufor-Rakeb Syndrome: Expanding the Phenotypic and Genotypic Spectrum
Systemic inflammatory syndrome in COVID-19–SISCoV study: systematic review and meta-analysis
AI-CoV study: autoimmune encephalitis associated with COVID-19 and its vaccines—a systematic review
Surgical outcomes in rare movement disorders: a report of seventeen patients from India and review of literature
Disorders of tetrahydrobiopterin metabolism: Experience from south India
Surgical outcomes in Rare Movement Disorders: A report of seventeen patients from India
CoRe study: COVID-19 and remdesivir: An insight into the current health planning and policy
Macula as a Window to Diagnosis
Gut Microbiome: A Hidden Clue to the Complications of COVID-19
HyPE study: hydroxychloroquine prophylaxis-related adverse events’ analysis among healthcare workers during COVID-19 pandemic: a rising public health concern
Инфографика пандемии: наглядные материалы в кризис COVID-19
Electroencephalography as a Diagnostic Aid in a Girl with Neuroregression and Stereotypies
A clinical TRIAD for early suspicion of autoimmune encephalitis as a possibility in patients presenting with progressive cognitive decline
Look for the “Treatables” among dementias: It is lifesaving: An experience from a tertiary care center in India in the past 5 years
Beware of the cortical ribbon: The spectrum–experience from a case series